
We offer entities, associations and other institutions not subject to mandatory audits the possibility to undergo a voluntary audit of their annual financial statements. For medium-sized and large companies and private foundations, an annual audit of the financial statements is required by law. Also in such cases we are pleased to offer our services as auditors, in co-operation with collaborating colleagues.

It is our goal to support our clients on their way to success. We aim to recognise opportunities, flag up risks and develop long-term strategies.

Advantages for You

If you commission us with the audit of your annual financial statements, we will also make available to you all information and findings gained in the course of the audit. In this way you will secure the best possible basis for decision-making and for the positive development of your Business.

Our Services

  • Voluntary and statutory audits of annual financial statements
  • Audits of consolidated financial statements
  • Audits in connection with the formation of a business
  • Audits in the course of corporate restructuring
  • Due diligence reviews
  • Audits of efficiency and effectiveness (performance audits)
  • Audits of foundations
  • Audits of demergers and mergers
  • Audits under the Austrian Takeover Act [Übernahmegesetz]
  • Advice on migrating to international accounting standards (IAS, US GAAP)
  • Advice on implementation of group accounting
  • Internal audits
  • Business valuations
  • Donation certificate audits
  • Expert opinions